A reminder to myself that I also do critical writing! A short close reading of ‘The Academy of New Words’ by Beatrice Garland appears in the latest edition of Prac Crit, a rather slickly rendered online journal of poetry and criticism with a separate viewing pane for the subject of the critique alongside the critique […]
Category archives: Uncategorised
New Boots & Pantisocracies
I find it incredibly, incredibly difficult to write knowingly political poems. I’ve been trying for years. The reason it’s difficult, putting it simply, is that my approach to poetry is to feel my way forward, whereas my approach to politics is to reason my way forward, and it all gets a bit oil and water.The […]
Lives Beyond Us is the first big Sidekick Books anthology/treasury without my name on the cover. The editors this time around are my Sidekick teammate Kirsty, who curated and edited the poems, and PhD film scholar Sebastian Manley, who commissioned and edited essays for the book.I do, however, have an essay published in it. An essay […]
Emergency Action
I was saving up this poem to send somewhere, perhaps, one day, somehow, potentially, but in light of Craig Raine’s excruciating performance in the LRB this week, I’m publishing it online now: CRAIG REALLY WANTS YOU TO KNOW where his hands have been. Picture that part – that inlet or islet that only you know, […]
Giant Strange @ Roulade #2
Roulade is Wayne Holloway-Smith and Llew Watkins’ one-night-only live walk-through magazine, and for the second issue (theme: Hubris) they had me round up a team of poets to create giant concrete poems in the shape of kaiju from the Godzilla and Gamera franchises.I’m going to say that again in bold caps. GIANT CONCRETE POEMS IN […]
Double Bill
Catch-up seasons continues!One and a half poems of mine are published in Double Bill, a new anthology from Red Squirrel Press. It’s the sequel to 2012’s Split Screen, both books being edited by Andy Jackson and concerning themselves with popular culture, predominantly TV, film and music. Whereas I was familiar with much of the subject matter of Split Screen, however […]
The Best British Poetry 2014
Got some major catching up to do here. It’s a good job I don’t have any competitors in the ‘news on Jon Stone’s recent publications’ stakes.A short poem of mine, ‘Endings to Adventure Gamebooks 17’, appears in The Best British Poetry 2014, edited by Mark Ford and published by Salt. My name also appears on the […]
Robert Burns Anglicised Megamix Mash
Composed for the Beer Boutique’s Burns Night Rampage. Drink a finger for every reference to boozing. Here’s a bottle and an honest friend! The devil’s away and the devil’s away. Oh, nought but love and sorry joined. The devil’s away and the devil’s away. Here brewer Gabriel’s fire’s extinct. The devil’s away and […]
Bird Superminis
So these little things have been our hot cakes over the past week. Each is a small, slender book containing a mere handful of poems, all concerning their cover star. Some of the poems are classics, some new. I wanted to talk just briefly about being a cover designer. I’m not a cover designer. Not […]