“A poet of fantastic inversions.” Poetry London

“Multifaceted, mega-fabricated, louche architecture.” Magma

“Voraciously experimental, precociously accomplished.” Poetry International

I’ll Show You Mine: Free PDF

The editors of I’ll Show You Mine, a sex writing journal, have made the PDF of the journal free to download for the foreseeable future. One of my poems, ‘Neighbours’ is included, as well as a formally diverse array of new writing: short fiction, nonfiction, erasure and footnote poems alongside lyrics that approach the subject […]

Salt Poets at the Boulevard Soho, March 1st

I’m reading with five other poets on March 1st, at the Boulevard Soho in London, for a one-hour special from 4.30pm. This is a kind of comeback gig after a year off, so I’ll be testing some new material, including ‘Russian doll’ poems, where one poem fits inside another, and a ‘variable’ poem with lines […]

Dual Wield: Chapter 1

This is the first chapter of my completed practice-led PhD thesis, Dual Wield: Adventures at the Interplay of Poetry and Computer Games. I recommend skipping the entirety of 1.2 if you wish to stick to the substance of the argument and avoid the dryer aspects of the chapter (my methodology, and where the project fits […]

Modding the Waste Land: Intertextual Mutation Between Games and Poems

I’m presenting an extended abstract at the DiGRA 2019 conference in Kyoto this coming week, based on my practical PhD research. This is the final introduction/summary text:In Ludic Mutation: The Player’s Power to Change the Game (2012), Anne-Marie Schleiner describes how artists and players alike resist the mechanically and culturally imposed rules of digital games […]

Free Verse Book Fair 2018

I’ll be at the annual Free Verse Book Fair in central London this Saturday, manning the Sidekick Books table with long-term collaborator Kirsten Irving. We’re expecting to have copies of the latest two books in the Headbooks series – No, Robot, No! and Battalion – available for sale alongside all the books currently available on […]

Some Cannot Be Caught / Fox Interview

I have a new poem published in Some Cannot Be Caught: The Emma Press Book of Beasts, edited by Anja Konig and Liane Strauss. It’s a semi-concrete poem called ‘Documentary on the Pangolin’ and – with apologies to those who don’t like hints as to how a poem should be read – I’m afraid I wrote […]