“A poet of fantastic inversions.” Poetry London

“Multifaceted, mega-fabricated, louche architecture.” Magma

“Voraciously experimental, precociously accomplished.” Poetry International

The World You Now Own by P. W. Bridgman

This review was published last week in London Grip. The poet himself is a gentlemanly presence throughout this, his fifth collection, never more so than when he’s introducing ‘Deliverance, 1961’ the novella-in-thirty-two-cantos which takes up the back half of the book. Like a good-natured aide conducting us to the office of an eccentric royal, he’s […]


I went to see Rashomon at the cinema for my birthday last month, and it reminded me that I published a Toshiro Mifune poem in The Rialto 80 going on a decade ago. So I dug it out and rejigged it, trying to get an anagram of ‘oni’ onto the end of two thirds of the lines: A text-only […]

What is a Poem?

This is an extract from Dual Wield: The Interplay of Poetry and Video Games. When that book was in its draft state, as a doctoral exegesis, I was advised to include a short definition of poetry early on. I found the ‘short’ part close to impossible, so ended up producing the following. In his Poetics, […]

Puppet Imposters — Story Machines — Roving Gangs — Shuffled Decks

Note: this post is a duplication from my substack, Stray Bulletin. Out picking up ingredients for Christmas dinner, I made a last-minute impulse buy: a pair of blind-bagged Dungeons and Dragons Lego minifigs for me and my partner to crack open alongside our other presents. I’ve a soft spot for ‘what’s in the box’ toys, especially when […]

Magma 89: Performance

I have a new poem published in Magma 89: Performance — and for the first time ever (I think) I’m named on the cover! Magma is a long-running, elegantly produced poetry journal which rotates its editors with every themed instalment, ensuring a wider-than-normal range of content from issue to issue. I co-edited number 64, Risk, […]

New Media Writing Prize

I’m on the shortlist for the New Media Writing Prize — the only poem, I think, though digital literature tends to blur the line. I recommend playing through the other, varied and brilliant entries. My piece, ‘L and the Empress of Sand’, is a new, single-player version of a performance piece I originally wrote for […]