Here’s a rare sight indeed: a discussion of poetic form and its effects (or lack of them) on Twitter/X: It’s a source of frustration to me that you’re only likely to see such exchanges in the wake of a spat or controversy, as in this case. I don’t agree that social media, as a forum, […]
Category archives: Uncategorised
‘Sequence’ by Jamie McKendrick
I’m using this poem in an MA class this week – offering it, perhaps unfairly, as the archetypal literary sequence in miniature. I don’t think that’s what it set out to be; the title is punning on ‘quince’ and the whole thing is obviously an extension of that joke (15 lines in total; ‘quince’ is […]
“Your skullsy secret”
Note: this post is duplicated from my Substack, Stray Bulletin. The year’s nearly done, so here is the first of two planned posts picking out some highlights from all that I haven’t found time to blog about over the last six months. Creels and rockpools Although I’ve made a start on countless digital ‘ludokinetic’ poems, hardly […]
Untitled iceberg poem
A new addition the the Poems section of the websiteL
Single Poem Roundup: Crowson, Crowcroft, Blackstone
Time for another look at three recently published poems, from three different poets in three different journals: ‘Small decrees of dust: A love song with moths’ by Sarah-Jane Crowson, published in Stone Circle Review; ‘The Other Cheek Turn’ by Kate Crowcroft, published in Berlin Lit; and ‘When asked to map the downfall of our relationship’ […]
Reckless Extravagance
This post is duplicated from my Substack, Stray Bulletin. Part one of a mega February-to-May catch-up. Saucy Seaside Postcards I’ve published a large number of poems over the last decade which have never been collected into one single-author volume. Some are part of Sidekick anthologies and very happily nested there, while others are intended for future books […]
Salon A, Burley Fisher Books, 21st April 6.30pm
I’m reading alongside Astrid Alben, Rose Gibbs, Sophie Herxheimer and Lucy Mercer at Burley Fisher Books in Haggerston this Thursday. Tickets are £5 and can be ordered from here. I’ll be reading a few poems from Sandsnarl, but also from a new work-in-progress which happens to be set in the same universe, in a hotel […]
Firmament, Vol. 2 No. 1
I have three new poems in the latest issue of Firmament, a handsome magazine made by Sublunary Editions, who are a very impressive small press based in Seattle, with editorial input from the UK. I’m especially happy to have these poems published, as all three are from a new collection I’ve been working on for, […]
Detachment / Dishonored 2 / The Beetle
This post can also be read on my Substack, Stray Bulletin. DIARY I was originally planning to write on two topics: whether or not writers need to read, and disconnections at a near distance. After weighing up which to take on first, I found that the two bled in to one another. When I teach poetry […]
Tiny Library / The Sanctuary Sparrow / Toxic Journalism
This post can also be read on my Substack, Stray Bulletin. TINY LIBRARY I continue to train between Cambridge, London, Buckinghamshire and sometimes Matlock, picking up post and moving things around as I try to figure out whereabouts in the vicinity of my new job I can settle permanently, meaning in all likelihood for the […]