Blind Wine-Tasting etc for Holdfire Press, October 2012
On Cynicism for Magma, September 2012
Placing in the National: How it Did and Didn't Change My Life for E-Verse Radio, September 2012
Editorial for Cake #4: Cherry Bakewell, August 2012
On Rimbaud's 'Au Cabaret-Vert, Cinq Heures du Soir' for B O D Y, July 2012
'Bawr. Bawr. Stretterhawl?' (article on science-fiction poetry), in Poetry News, June 2011
In this world too: How modern manga hasn't lost touch with the past, Horizon Review 4, April 2010
Post-University Writing: Juggling Passion and Practicality, an article for the National Association of Writers in Education, April 2010
'When To Mischief: In Search of Burlesque in Contemporary British Poetry' in Mimesis 6, October 2009
The Balance of Work and Life, an article for the National Association of Writers in Education, January 2004